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The Orion Way of Life Podcast

Aug 26, 2021

Fellow Men’s Headspace member and Actor friend Aaron J. Owen joins me in this episode to talk about making the conscious choice to have SINGLE as a relationship status. He isn’t part of the MGTOW movement, not a RED PILL guy, he just made a choice after realizing that he has other things that are more important than...

Aug 19, 2021

I stumbled upon a YouTube video that was titled, MGTOW - Why Men Stopped Dating. I’ve been asking for your cautionary tales for awhile and this one video was chalk full of them. To be clear I want to find a way to bridge the divide that currently exists between men and women. I’m hoping that pointing out what is...

Aug 12, 2021

What exactly can you do to get that woman to go out with you? How can you tell when it’s time to make a move and get that kiss? So often guys are like deer in the headlights and completely miss their opportunity. Then they sit and wonder why they didn’t get a second date, or why she didn’t seem interested. In this...

Aug 5, 2021

Lucas Charon is a 12 year educator in the public school system. He’s been a listener of this show and wanted to talk about a trend he’s noticed with our boys falling behind in school due to the system changes and rules that punish regular boy behavior and hinder natural masculine growth. Lots of great elements to...