Dec 30, 2020
53 Year old English author, life-coach and inspirational speaker, Paul Gotel joins us to talk about his book The Big U: A Guide To Self-Revolution. He just made it into an audiobook and joined us from his Hawaiian getaway to talk about his experience of reading it out loud years after he initially wrote it and what he...
Dec 27, 2020
My mom stopped by to join me on the podcast to talk about her generation and all sorts of things that could be very beneficial to The Fellowship. I learned a lot from my mother, and who better to have on than one of the most down to earth, nice, beautiful and caring souls in the universe, My mom.
Dec 18, 2020
I had a couple of guests lined up this past week, but due to the plague and Holiday bustling, they had to postpone. I'm really looking forward to the guests I have coming up, including my mother. In the meantime, please email me your cautionary tales of men going through some bad situations at
Dec 11, 2020
If you are thinking about getting a divorce, or have recently been through one, this is probably a good place to start. Dave Musselman is an Arbitrator and Mediator who has personally overseen and negotiated for 27 years and over 8000 cases. After dealing with over 34 divorces a month, Dave has seen it all and knows...
Dec 4, 2020
It’s been a busy week. I’ve been doing so much acting that I didn’t get a guest or topic lined up and then I realized that my show A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens IS a story and a lesson all thrown into a podcast. I share why I have done this show for 11 years in a row and will probably continue doing this...